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본고딕 Source Han Sans K (TTF) v2.001

3. 폰트/3.2. 본고딕

by 창민 2020. 9. 26. 18:36


Source Han Sans K v2.001 TTF Ver.z01
Source Han Sans K v2.001 TTF Ver.z02
Source Han Sans K v2.001 TTF Ver.z03
Source Han Sans K v2.001 TTF Ver.z04
Source Han Sans K v2.001 TTF Ver.zip

  • 더보기
    파일 목록
    - SourceHanSansHWK-Regular.ttf
    - SourceHanSansHWK-Bold.ttf
    - SourceHansansK-ExtraLight.ttf
    - SourceHansansK-Light.ttf
    - SourceHansansK-Normal.ttf
    - SourceHansansK-Regular.ttf

    - SourceHansansK-Medium.ttf
    - SourceHansansK-Bold.ttf
    - SourceHansansK-Heavy.ttf
  • 더보기
    Noto Sans CJK와의 차이점
    - The name.ID=0 (Copyright notice) string does not include a reference to the "Source" Name.
    - The name.ID=7 (Trademark) string specifies a Google trademark.
    - The name.ID=11 (URL Vendor) string specifies a Google URL.
    - A name.ID=12 (URL Designer) string was added that specifies an Adobe URL.
    - Although localized menu names are not specified, localized 'name' table strings are included, in terms of name.IDs 1, 2, 4, 16, and 17, though the actual strings are identical to the English-language ones.
    - The OS/2.usWeightClass value is set to 100 for Thin (Source Han Sans ExtraLight uses 250) per Noto CJK Issue #86.
    - The OS/2.achVendID tag is set to GOOG (Source Han Sans uses ADBO).
    - Although glyphs for U+2252 and U+25C8 are included, named uni2252 (CID+858) and uni25C8 (CID+1261), respectively, the Format 4 and 12 'cmap' subtables do not include mappings for U+2252 and U+25C8, per Noto CJK Issue #24 and Noto CJK Issue #23, respectively.
  • 더보기
    Version 2.001
    - The copyright year was changed from “2014, 2015, 2018” to the range “2014–2019.”
    - The placeholder (aka blank) glyphs for U+32FF ㋿, uni32FF-JP (CID+2184) and uni32FF-JP-V (CID+65359), which is the code point that represents the two-ideograph square ligature form of the name of Japan’s forthcoming new era, 令和 (reiwa), that takes effect on 2019-05-01, are now the actual glyphs. U+32FF will be included in Unicode Version 12.1 (2019-05-07).
    - All of the mapping changes that were made to the fonts in this release are provided in the table at the beginning of Issue #202.
    - All of the glyph corrections that were made to the fonts in this release are provided in the table at the beginning of Issue #204.
    - All of the glyphs that were redesigned in this release are provided in the table at the beginning of Issue #205.
    - The 45 glyphs that were added in this release, which replaced 45 of the 50 reserved glyphs, are provided in the table at the beginning of Issue #206. The glyphs are at CIDs 65485 through 65529. Two of the new glyphs are mapped from code points that are now supported.
    - Miscellaneous changes that were made in this release are provided in the table at the beginning of Issue #207.
    - The following 33 glyphs for ideographs are no longer used, and are expected to be removed in Version 3.000 (currently unplanned and unscheduled): uni58A6-TW (CID+13852), uni5B0F-TW (CID+15204), uni5B38-TW (CID+15300), uni5D45-TW (CID+16313), uni5D93-TW (CID+16476), uni5E61-TW (CID+16819), uni61BE-TW (CID+18366), uni64BC-TW (CID+19658), uni6937-TW (CID+21605), uni69F9-CN (CID+21965), uni7158-TW (CID+25284), uni71D4-TW (CID+25554), uni720B-JP (CID+25667), uni756A-TW (CID+27154), uni7690-CN (CID+27719), uni78FB-TW (CID+28713), uni7BB4-TW (CID+30074), uni7C53-TW (CID+30421), uni7DD8-TW (CID+31252), uni7E59-TW (CID+31534), uni7FB3-TW (CID+32075), uni81B0-TW (CID+33147), uni8543-TW (CID+35181), uni85E9-TW (CID+35584), uni87E0-TW (CID+36504), uni8B52-TW (CID+38257), uni8B85-TW (CID+38372), uni8E6F-TW (CID+39481), uni8F53-TW (CID+39883), uni8F57-TW (CID+39895), uni9407-TW (CID+42337), uni9C55-TW (CID+45975), and u24A01-KR (CID+60576).
    - The seven per-weight glyph synopsis PDFs now include 2,090 pages, with the first 132 pages showing all 65,535 glyphs indexed by CID.

본고딕 Source Han Sans이랑 Noto Sans CJK는 같은 글꼴임에도 버전의 차이가 있다(세 번째 더보기 볼 것). 최신 버전이 나옴에 따라 맞춰서 TTF로 변환하였다. 물론 파일 포맷 말고는 아무것도 건드리지 않음.

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